Film: dot&cross
Editor: Nate Gray
Music: Kevin Matley
Since we opened the doors of Apolis: Common Gallery, our first regionally-branded Apolis retail space in November 2011, we’ve hosted regular Global Citizen gatherings and recently we started our summer speaking series. The goal of our speaking series is to invite industry leaders to share their brief perspective on how their profession impacts community. Our first gathering around Food and Community was hosted by renown international chefs Marcus Samuelsson and Rohan Anderson. A conversation and open mic Q&A was led by Elvis Mitchell of KCRW and the night finished with a book signing. Special thanks to the 250+ guests that joined us and our friends from Free Range, Pharmacie and Handsome for helping with the hospitality. We hope you will join us for our next summer speaking series event that we will be announcing very soon. Contact our Service Manager, Hilmar Skagfield, for a personal invite once details for our next event are finalized.
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